Some companies have fanatical support, others have heroic support.
UserPro tops them all with obscenely good support.
ah your file will make it a lot easier. Thanks a lot
so I can just upload these files and be finished right?
hi, author why in my forum: the user doesn’t have the social Info 🙂 Can U help me fast ? http://awesome.vn/forums/topic/mua-ve-nhu-the-nao-moi-duoc-giam-gia/
Pls Pls Pls
Ahmed I am so thankful you did this. This is great. Everything seems to be working fine except one thing. Maybe I am missing something?
Mine says “This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by (example name) 1 hour, 34 minutes ago.”
Example Name is sending to bb press profile.
Ahmed Your forums are doing the same thing. How do we all change this ?
Ahmed are we going to get this fixed? I thought it was just my forums but its all UP forums including yours.
Great work mate and special thanks for this bbpress integration .
Best regardsHi i get a little confused about this part
I’ve packed the files that need editing in the following ZIP package. Simply download it, and read near the line that says /* Integrating UserPro */ and apply the changes to your bbPress template.
How can i Apply the changes, should I change something in default template or add these files somewhere?
You should see my template example, and apply the parts that have my comment into your own bbpress template. 🙂
Alright, thanks. Maby you could try to say it like this in the first post, so noone would get confused like I did. 🙂
Is this problem that I mentioned above going to get fixed? It appears on your forums as well.
Best Regards,
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