I downloaded your changes to the files bbPress and css and it works almost everything but the change is absent for “bbp-notice-template info”, which shows the link to the profile bbPress (version 2.3.2). You can change the link to point to the author’s profile userpro?
Is there someone that would be kind enough to send me the corrected bbpress files or help me via email to change what needs to be changed? I have spent the last hour and a half trying to understand what to do and I’m just lost.
I have downloaded the bbpress files and the userpro files to mydesktop but I do not understand what files to change to what. I know, typical female…..but help PLEASE?????? someone? my email is ufochick at gmail.com.
After follow your instructions I cant integrated profile links to bbp-topic-description
Thanks :)))
I am using Newspaper theme too and wondering how to do it
In order to make it compatible with Newspaper theme you need to delete a few files from the Newspaper bbPress folder. This will make bbPress revert back to original theme styling. Then copying the files to bbPress plugin folder like Ahmed has said in this tutorial.
Hi Lucas..
Tried that but it messed the css structure.
Are you using Newspaper theme as well?
Thanks for sharing
I tried integrating the files, found them in the default template we’re using, but when I add the integration code, it turns my forum into a white screen with a few links (see it here: http://oi58.tinypic.com/33wrv9y.jpg)
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for this, it almost works for me 🙂
For some reason, the forum is showing the avatar for the user twice, one above the other, and the flag isn’t showing for the forum author
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