I have re-download and install new update UserPro 1.0.89. It’s clear now.
But, I can’t see “simple math question” at custom fields list. Where it’s?
Please tell me. Thank you!For login redirect issues going page by page works but not the best option if you have a lot of pages or posts. I dowloaded the release again and reinstalled. All back to normal now for me.
marceltj , this bug is fixed in latest update already. 🙂 You do not need to update all pages. It’s has been fixed as confirmed by users. Did you try again?
The facebook issue will be fixed.
Thanks guys
Install new update UserPro 1.0.89. But…
– I can’t upload Profile Picture
– No Antispam Question at custom fields list. Where it’s?
Please help. Thanks.Thanks Ahmed, I’m all good with the latest download of 1.89
I can see Antispam question field as in fields list here:
If you can’t upload a profile picture, open a topic and give me a link to broken profile picture and I’ll resolve it for you.
Latest plugin shows these errors when I try a search for content that does not exists (a search with no results):
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/mysiteurl/wp-content/plugins/userpro/functions/template-redirects.php on line 8
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/mysiteurl/wp-content/plugins/userpro/functions/template-redirects.php on line 9
Yes, I had purposely had all PHP errors showing in my code while trying to clean up my site. I just thought you would want to know about the errors. I know they are hidden when I am not showing errors, but they are still there. thanks.
Okay, what are these errors? Because, the plugin does not trigger any php errors for me
UGH, this happens for for other users too! I am logged in as admin, I go to their profile to make any changes, and this warning about a taken email shows up. Please help, we can’t launch like this, we need to be able to edit profiles.
ignore comment above please that was meant for another issue, not this thread. Sorry.
Sorry, I am lost. Can you please show me the specific error you get here below my reply? 🙂
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