hi Support,
I’m using a plugin called “Multi-X Bar” purchased here on CodeCanyon. I have everything working well except for the logou redirection.
The plugin uses it’s own log out button which UP fails to redirect, if I use the UP log out button from the user profile page it redirects correctly.
The logout code for Multi-X Bar is the following:
<li><a href="'.wp_logout_url().'" title="Salir">'.__('Salir', 'multix').'</a></li>
In the UP panel I’ve set log out redirection to the login page. Do you see any reason why UP is not redirecting?
I’m really interested about that !
I’m looking for a navbar and Multi-X Bar seems to be the best choice. But I want to be sure that UserPro is fully compatible with this.
Hi Nexnivis,
MultiX-Bar is definetely the best sticky navigation Bar that I’ve found. Let me save you some leg work, this is the only problems you’ll have with it if you are running UserPro:
Problem: Registration not supported from the login drop box and , login redirection does not work.
Solution: Had the developer change the login drop box function to a hyperlink linking to my UserPro login/registation page.Once logged in, Multi-X continues to function as normal where the Login icon’s title change to whatever you set it to Ex. Login/Register ===> My Account. This icon can be clicked displaying a drop box with your avatar, username, email address and logout icon (x). Here you can hard code the corresponding .php file to add other options such as “Profile” linking to UserPro’s profile page, and “Write Blog” linking to UserPro’s front-end publisher.
Problem: Logout redirection does not work, Multi-X forces you to the WP default login page upon a successful logout.
Solution: None yet, that’s why I brough this issue to the UP forum.Once the logout redirection issue is resolved I will consider Multi-X Bar to be fully compatible with UserPro. The Bar is clean, easy to user, very flexible. Don’t forget to download the free add-ons available with a paid license.
Sample: http://www.futbolazul.com
Good luck.
Thanks a lot for this complete explaination Luis. I’ve created an account on your site for testing and it’s working as I want 🙂
I seriously think of purchasing MultiX-Bar
Go for it, it’s only $13, can’t go wrong.
Hi support! can i gt some assistance please?
Hello support,
Can I please have some support on this issue?
Thank you!
+1 🙂 A top bar in addition of UserPro is VERY usefull ! I don’t know if you are developing a top bar for UserPro Ahmed, but in waiting we have to use an alternative plugin. If Multi-X Bar can be fully compatible with UserPro it can be a good solution 🙂
Hello support,
Can I please have some support on this issue?
Thank you!
Subscribing, free bump. I to am very interested in an admin bar. There was talks that userpro is going to implement one but I haven’t been keeping up with the thread.
Hi there 🙂
I’ve finally bought Multi-X Bar.
Here is how I use it :
I’ve just created a widget area and put the shortcode [userpro template=login]
Hope can help you
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