I am having a problem after upgraded to version 2.12. All member profile images are gone, not showing correctly, I see square box with white background only, why? How do I fix it?
same here, it seems that it’s fixed in version 2.12.1, but it’s not available for download yet.
Version 2.12.1 – handles the post images issue.
If you still have trouble with member profiles images,while I look into this issue –
here is a quick workaround.
1.Go to Settings -> Compatibility Settings -> Change URL Encoding and toggle the setting’s value.
Save the settings.
2. Please make sure you clear your site’s cache.Images should show up fine now.
I have the same problem with last version. I’ve done what you say (changing URL encoding and cleaning site cache) but the problem is still here.
The problem is with the path of the user thumbnail which is wrong, as for example the path of the missing thumbnail is : http://www.mysite.orghttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.mysite.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fuserpro%2F3%2F54634e93d3ad0.jpg
but the image is here: http://www.mysite.org/wp-content/uploads/userpro/3/54634e93d3ad0.jpgAny idea what to do ?
Thanks,PS: Just checked and when I click on the user thumbnail, it is well displayed with the good link as stated above (so with the good path) in the modal view.
Will it be possible for you to have a look at it, here for example:
http://www.recyclart.org/profile/Neokentin/The problem is coming from the get_avatar function as in the code the link to the user thumbnail is good but not he link to the image src. It’s pretty clear in the code.
Thank you,OK, as I don’t have any reply, I made some investigations and found a temporary solution, the problem coming from the bfi_thumb function.
In the file “hooks-filters.php”, I replaced in the following line:
$return = '<img src="'.$crop.'" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" alt="'.$alt.'" class="modified avatar" />';
$crop with $url as the $url was returning the correct path to the user profile thumbnail.
Now I have:
$return = '<img src="'.$url.'" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" alt="'.$alt.'" class="modified avatar" />';
This is a not a “good” solution as the profile thumbnail is not cropped anymore by the function bfi_thumb but it work temporally for displaying the profile thumbnail in the profile view and member-list view.
So, the problem is coming from this line:
$crop = bfi_thumb(get_site_url().(strpos($url,"http") !== false ? urlencode($url) : $url),$params);
Which in my case doesn’t give the good path for the profile thumbnail as explained above. Hope this can help and that a solution will be find soon…
As usual with UserPro we have to put hand in the code 🙁
Another & better solution:
$crop = bfi_thumb(get_site_url().(strpos($url,"http") !== false ? urlencode($url) : $url),$params);
$crop = bfi_thumb($url,$params);
and keep:
$return = '<img src="'.$crop.'" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" alt="'.$alt.'" class="modified avatar" />';
so now the image is cropped by bfi_thumb. I let the URL Encoding setting to “Disable”…
ok, now it’s your turn UserPro 🙂
somebody will solve this problem?
more like a mockery of …
what people pay? for the answers once a week?
the problem is with the November hanging a decision as there was and is no …
Surely you can not provide information how to fix the code?
many refuse to work with your plugins.decide to have a problem with the double URL
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