What will you do when the people writing messages on their wall
Sample: Facebook; What’s on your mind
Nice idea – I am picking this up now. Do you mean a wall for each user or like a site-wide general wall where all users can interact with each other ? Thanks for your inputs 🙂
Yes, that’ a good idea. I would prefer a site wide general wall. But what is annoying now a little bit is the lack of text formating options in front-end text editor. Could we have an update on that and have something like the back-end visual text editor with options to put media inside as well like fotos and videos?
@huba – Can you please open up a separate topic for your new change request ? Hard to track different ideas via the same thread. Thanks.
@moschino95, @huba – Thanks a bunch for sharing your ideas about the wall.
Site-wide it is then 🙂
Will keep you all posted.Ok, I am going to open that. One more idea for the site-wide general wall is to users have the possibility of commenting the posts of other users for interaction. That would be important…
Oh yes, and if we are already connected with social networks…let’s give an option for users to share it on facebook, google+ and tweet that wall posts right from the wall… yuppi 😉
@huba , @moschino95 – Excellent suggestions ,all duly noted for the next versions 🙂
Happy to let you know that the first cut has just been released and is available here –
http://codecanyon.net/item/social-wall-addon-for-userpro/9553858Really looking forward to take this to the next level with your help 🙂
I like it but 5 things I need to buy it: 1. uploaded images are not responsive, they go out of the box, fix it please. 2. I want to have feature of ‘comment on comments’ 3. clickable links and openable youtube links 4. like, share, tweet buttons on every posting and comment 5. smiles for the most used codes 🙂 🙁 😉 :O 😛
With all these features it’s going to be awesome. Ahh, one more thing. All the community activity shortcode with following and posting messages. So, community activity shortcode and this plugin’s features (everything) together in one shortcode. When you have all of this I am going to buy it FOR SURE! Regards
I would prefer a wall for each user to make it more personal. I thought this was already a “public wall” meaning everyone can see and add content. That may get a bit over whelming if you have a few thousand posts per day!!!
my suggestion: it Would be great to have a “toggle option” to filter a public wall to view posts made by those you follow of for those following you. That way you can quickly see relevant threads from you friends!!
ALSO an elegant/ minimal design for social sharing is a must:)
And would also see the front end editor (that members use to post content) get a new face lift.
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