Can you please tell me how can I globally “unhide” the dashboard? I’m using another WP plugin that replaces the dashboard bar with it’s own bar, but your plug-in hides it, I guess because it assumes it’s the default WP dashboard bar. Is there are setting on the control panel or is there code I must edit.
Thank you in advance.
As he just said 🙂 In global options you can turn on the Top bar for standard users. You can also disable redirection options (to unhide backend itself for standard users)
By default the plugin redirects /wp-admin to /profile for regular users. That option can be controlled under Redirection Settings
Thanks, I found the option, I jsut upgraded to the new release and don’t recall seeing the option in the old version, so I assumed the option still didn’t exist.
So I set the “hide bar for non-admin” to NO and the strange thing is that the only page where I can see the WP Bar is on the UserPro login page. I already removed my user bar plugin and still, no luck..
I just disabled UserPro and now when I log in as a non-admin I can see the bar site side.
Hi, correction to my findings.
Since changing the setting to hide the bar to NO, I can see the bar site-wide EXCEPT for the Home page. Any ideas? Why would only the Home Page be affected?
Hi @Luis Urquilla,
Working in the blind as we are having to do here, makes it difficult to give a clear answer. Is there any way you can provide a test account to your site so that I can have a look? I would require temp admin privileges to see it. Or, at the very least a link to your site so that I can have a look at the source code. And then we can go from there.
Hi @Luis
The function is very straight-forward and leaves no confusion. Open functions/hooks-actions.php
This is the function that shows/hides admin bar from non-admins:
add_action(‘init’, ‘userpro_remove_admin_bar’);
function userpro_remove_admin_bar() {
if (!current_user_can(‘administrator’) && !is_admin()) {
if (userpro_get_option(‘hide_admin_bar’)) {
[/php]Another update..sorry for the mulitple updates but I’m busy at work and only get to look into this issue whenever I have a few minutes.
The Bar fails to display on the HOME PAGE and POSTS.
The bar displays on PAGES and POST LISTINGs
I have tested this on userpro homepage, and it seemed to work fine. Please look at Central Geek answer above too. I have also pasted the code relating to this function. It’s straight forward and have no homepage/posts conditions. It’s a global action.
Hi @support,
There are also other considerations. There is a checkbox in the WP User Profile in the admin dashboard. Each user has that checkbox. If a plugin is attempting to display the admin bar, but someone has it set to not display, there could be a conflict if the plugin isn’t actually active on a certain page or post, and possibly the home page.
If you want complete control of the Toolbar, there is a plugin that will do that and give you all sorts of options.
I would have to see the site and figure out why there is such an inconsistency.@Central Geek
I am thinking it could be due to action priority
add_action(‘init’, ‘userpro_remove_admin_bar’);
If he use a plugin or something, or the theme could be adding a more priority action that manages admin bar right? Just taking a guess, try changing the priority
add_action(‘init’, ‘userpro_remove_admin_bar’, 99999);
Hi Guys, I apprectiate your time to respond. I will take a look at your sugestions tonight.
Central Geek, if you have time I have no problem granting you access to take a look around, please let me know where I can send you the login credentials.
Strange, I submitted a reply but everything got erased.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out. I will take a look at your suggestions tonight.
Central Geek, if you have time to take a look at my site, please let me knwo where I can send you the login credentials.
Thank you.
Hi guys,
I managed to install Userpro on a new clean installation of WP, the conflict is with my theme. I’m using a theme from magazine3.com. The funny thing is that the theme doesn’t contain any user profile features at all, it’s focus is on post styling.
No bar on Home page and posts.
Central Geek, please let me know where to send you the loggin account.
Thank you.
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