When logging in from the login page, the login_redirect shortcode works. But, after clicking on the email activation link and logging in, it redirects to “My profile” page. How do I change this?
I have tried custom redirects too, but no success.
Kindly help me with this issue.
Can the support kindly assist me in this issueHello.
Can the support kindly guide me on this issue. It’s been 2 daysI posted a similar topic – no response. I’ve also emailed support. Received auto response and no follow up.
Trying everything I can to resolve this issue… including other plugins. No resolution.
May resort to customizing the .htaccess file somehow. Will let you know if I come up with a solution.
The EMAIL ACTIVATION LINK sends the user to the home page, with a long query string including a key.
Once that link is activated, the user is created, and the resulting page is the UserPro PROFILE page (no matter what redirect settings we put in place via shortcodes or the UserPro admin).
Since they’re not yet logged in, they’re shown a login form. It’s THIS login form that seems to ignore any settings in UserPro for page redirection.
However, the Profile page contains a query string: ***/profile/?accountconfirmed=true (where “***” is your site root).
All we need to do is redirect that URL to the ACTUAL login page.
First: I’ve setup the shortcode redirects for login and registration to their corresponding pages (even though register_redirect doesn’t seem to do anything if you’re using the email activation link).
Second: I installed this plugin: Redirection by John Godley. This is a simple plugin to manage 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors.
Third: I set a 301 redirect to trap the URL: ***/profile/?accountconfirmed=true and redirect it to the ACTUAL login page, along with the query string ?accountconfirmed=true
I was prepared to code up some PHP to display an “Activation Successful” message above the Login form BUT … the form already traps for it and displays the message! Yes!
Problem solved.
Hope that helps. 🙂
Many thanks for the solution.
You have found a very easy workaround.
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