This is an announcement about the latest update (v1.0.81)
Version 1.0.83 (27 Mar 2014)
============================– New feature: you can make any field required/optional with frontend publisher
– New feature: control which fields appear in a frontend publisher shortcode
– New feature: customize the order of frontend publisher fields easily with shortcode
– New feature: add and collect unlimited custom fields with frontend publisher
– New feature: UserPro backend design and colors improved/enhanced
– New option: compatibility setting to solve UserPro post saving issue on some webhostsPlease download the most recent update from customer area:
Great work, Ahmed 😀 Got a list of shortcodes for the new front end publisher features?
How to make field required in frontend publisher?
Shortcode options are:
require_title, require_content, require_featured e.g. require_title=0 or 1 and so on. If you want to make a custom post meta required, use require_customfield=1 or 0. By default, require_title, require_featured, and require_content are set to 1 (Required) so simply to make featured image optional: require_featured=0 🙂 This should make the featured image optional.
How to control which fields display in frontend publisher and control the order of fields?
Use the option: publish_field_order to define which fields are included/shown in publisher and their order.
publish_field_order=”title,content,featured_image” This will show a frontend publish form with title first, content, then featured image.
Another example:
publish_field_order=”title,featured_image,custom_url” This will show a frontend publish form with title first, featured image, then custom_url (Which should be a defined post meta in the shortcode – custom field for post)
What are predefined fields
title, featured_image, content, post_type, category, … custom post meta keys
I posted too fast, ahmed was already on the case. 😀
Where are settings for userpro stored? Are they stored in the db or do I need to export them before transferring things between servers?
This is completely shortcode dependant. No settings or DB options. 🙂
So recap:
require_CUSTOMFIELD=1/0And control fields / order of fields:
That’s all 🙂
I know this is all shortcode dependant, I mean general settings under the ‘settings’ field in the admin panel 😀
By the way, this is awesome, I’m testing it now. Great work.
all userpro options are stored in a global option called ‘userpro’.
you can read/extract/delete it with php:
get_option(‘userpro’) is the array of options.
print_r( get_option(‘userpro’) ); // will output all options
delete_option(‘userpro’); // will delete all options.
Andy, there’s a global shortcode option that already hides the header of shortcode. Add this:
no_header=true to your shortcode 😀
Great, thanks 🙂
You should paste these shortcodes into the Docs asap.
Would be great if we could customise the placeholder texts for heading/content and any meta fields we add. 😉
The docs are updated:
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