Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache? – UserPro Forums https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/feed/ Fri, 17 May 2024 10:10:05 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.2 en-US https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15699 <![CDATA[Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15699 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:22:24 +0000 pbg2013 My site has always been on Cloudflare to speed things up. No WP Super cache or other cache plugins. Switching cloudflare on, after login via userpro it goes to profile page showing you are logged in.

Then you navigate to other pages and it shows you are not logged in. You click on profile page it shows the login screen again when it showed you your profile 5 secs ago.

I purged cloudflare cache, cleared browser cache, delete cookies and restart and it’s same for as long as Cloudflare is on. I have to pause it to get login working normal. Surely it should be able to work with cache???

Anybody else have on cloudflare or WP-super cache can tell me you don’t have this problem??

How can I overcome this issue? Thanks

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15700 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15700 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 03:34:04 +0000 Hi @pbg2013,

Actually, I personally removed all of my WP sites from Cloudflare. Unless your host has the Cloudflare hosting plugins, and you have Cloudflare plugins to help WP with the Caching issues, you are going to have issues with it whenever there is dynamic content delivered.

You might go back to Cloudflare and remove certain pages from being cached.

You have to remember, when dealing with dynamic content, caching is difficult, as caching is designed to store content to show for faster delivery to the browser. If content is dynamic rather than static, you are going to have these issues. That is my understanding of it anyway. Someone else may have some solutions they have found. It wasn’t worth the pain to try and make it work, for me.

Cloudflare isn’t really forthcoming with the information needed to adequately understand how to make WP work with their service. IMO

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15716 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15716 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 08:49:07 +0000 pbg2013 Thanks Central Geek. I’ll have to try and see if I can set Page Rules to not cache any of Userpro pages.

I am seriously starting to struggle with Userpro as a plugin. Don’t get me wrong…love the look of it and “possibilities” and Ahmed’s support has been pretty good to cmplain. I actually bought it to replace Buddypress but I guess it’s all coming at a price!

1) No other frontend login plugins be it Buddypress, WP-Members, Modal login, Facebook login has any issues with Cloudflare. I’ve had no problems using any of above on my site while Cloudflare is on …WHY only USerpro?

2) Buddypress built in upload a Profile photo allows users to even crop the photo themselves. My site had no issue using this. My theme uses built-in wordpress media sizes without the need for timthumbs and can display them in any size with no issues simply using CSS. I can use Simple Local Avatars to upload avatar for users with no issues. BUT now, to integrate Userpro I have to upgrade my server plan to VPS bcos of the timthumbs. It’s a cost I wasn’t contemplating while setting up and testing site for next 2 months. This issue also affects my Postsbyuser output as Userpro is not using WP featured image calls but it’s own timthumbed images.

3) Frontend user post has no upload photos option. So how are all these plugins like Gravity form, frontend uploader doing it?

I’ve just spent the last week trying to make Userpro work as nicely as possible including changing the featured image call so I’m not about to give up on it but my question is why can’t Userpro be coded like any normal plugin, media plugin or Buddypress…one that will just work without conflicts???

*sigh* price you have to pay to look beautiful I feel.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15723 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15723 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:20:02 +0000 admin Exactly! 🙂 Moving this topic to support as it is more appropriate in that forum. UserPro does work without conflicts, until you do a limitation or install a plugin that makes the conflict 😉

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15744 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15744 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 12:59:58 +0000 @pbg2013,

I don’t mean to be offensive or anything, but you are talking about BuddyPress which was released on April 30, 2009. That was 4 and one half years before UserPro. Given the fact that you have chosen to place UserPro in the same list as BuddyPress, I find that to be a compliment, because UserPro was not created to replace BuddyPress.

Yes, BuddyPress has features UserPro does not yet have. And given the fact that UserPro is a mere two months old (minus three days, I believe), and is already being considered as a possible alternative or replacement for other social networking plugins, I don’t think it is doing too badly. Do you?

Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter which side of a complaint or a praise a person is on, that person can always find something on the internet with regard to plugins, to support their position. I can name WP Symposium as one of the “social networking” plugins that does not work well with Cloudflare. And WP Symposium is three years old, or around there.

So, your number 1) isn’t entirely correct. UserPro isn’t the “only” plugin that Cloudflare needs to be adjusted to work with it. In fact, given that Cloudflare has the option to turn off caching, tells everyone that there are apps, and software that need to have caching turned off. They wouldn’t offer that if it were a rare occurrence.

Number 2) of your list simply points out that while BuddyPress has features in it’s much longer life than UserPro, BuddyPress still isn’t satisfying the needs of users like yourself.

I might remind you, UserPro has never been presented as a replacement or an alternative to BuddyPress. I don’t know where you would think it would be at any level of competition with BuddyPress. Yes, it is a fact, someday (and maybe soon) UserPro may be in that category. However, currently, and until this point in time, it hasn’t been and still isn’t presented in such a way.

Yes, you have to consider things like dynamic content when dealing with CDNs. That’s just a fact of life. You have to learn how to make things work together. And as time goes on and more and more dynamic content is delivered, Services like Cloudflare are going to have to become a little more open about how to set up software to better function with their service.

That’s just a fact of life.

“why can’t Userpro be coded like any normal plugin, media plugin or Buddypress…one that will just work without conflicts???” Did you really just ask that question? If, in fact all those other “Normal” plugins are doing what you imply they are doing, why are you using UserPro? Why would you have even looked for something else?

I suggest you take a step back and acknowledge that what you are claiming isn’t exactly correct. Otherwise you and I would have never had the opportunity to have this exchange. Don’t ya think? 😀

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15747 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15747 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 13:07:32 +0000 admin I want to re-state the fact that UserPro is not a BuddyPress alternative yet (But with upcoming development and current work on messaging/friends) it may! I have tested the site for you, and the problem is with JSON AJAX REQUESTS, didn’t we reach a conclusion that it was caused by the custom theme mods, what did change since that time? 🙂

BTW, I know users having userpro installed on CDN, and it’s 100% compatible.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15750 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15750 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 13:13:45 +0000 I might also add, with WordPress, the automatic updates for WordPress, whenever there have been updates, have been affected by having the site on Cloudflare. That is the biggest reason I removed my sites. There are so many things that can have an effect on the functionality between WordPress and Cloudflare. To claim it is UserPro, is a completely unfair and inaccurate claim.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15851 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15851 Fri, 03 Jan 2014 23:30:53 +0000 pbg2013 Hi Ahmed.

The JSON AJAX REQUESTS issue as I mentioned in my email which we thought its my theme mods, for the benefits of others out there I’ll put it here. Its the functipn below: I have the code in my custom functions to prevent people from being directed to WP logout/login screen when they click on login/logout using the Comments box link.

function non_admin_lockout(){
if( is_admin() && !current_user_can( ‘manage_options’ ) ) {
wp_redirect( home_url() );

add_action( ‘init’, ‘non_admin_lockout’ );

THIS conflicts with your plugin since yours does all the redirection already. Taking it out resolved Login/Registration issues so for anyone who has Userpro Login /Registration issues where it does nothing they might want to see if they have any other redirection plugins/functions or above function in their custom functions. ALSO, the Menu visibility control plugin does not work with Userpro.

I’ve resolved the Cloudflare issue by setting up Page Rules for ALL pages created/required by Userpro. Simply Bypass Cache for the dynamic. That solves the not logging me in issue.

To make userpro fetch WP featured image in Postsbyuser shortcode I had to change this code: <?php echo $userpro->post_thumb( $post->ID, $postsbyuser_thumb ); ?> in postsbyuser php to fetch different way so this was a theme conflict? don’t know dont care as long as it shows.

Only thing I haven’t done is upgrade to VPS which I’ll have to do when I launch bcos of my server issue with Timthumbs.

As you can see I am doing everything I can and googling to find solutions as I’m not a developer or coder (just a girl with 2 cats!!!) and if this was 6 months ago I would have simply asked for a refund as I would have no idea how to solve all these issues!!

So maybe you should have a Known/Possible Conflicts/Issues & How to Solve segment in this forum. I can’t be the only average user who came by this plugin by chance on codecanyon who are not coders.


https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15857 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15857 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 07:38:19 +0000 Hi @pbg2013,

Sounds like you are learning a lot and I am quite sure this will benefit you for a long time to come. I would like to just address the statement “So maybe you should have a Known/Possible Conflicts/Issues & How to Solve segment in this forum. I can’t be the only average user who came by this plugin by chance on codecanyon who are not coders.”

Actually there is a section of this forum that provides for both the author of UserPro and users to show others solutions to issues, provide tutorials and how to’s. It’s located here http://userproplugin.com/userpro/forums/forum/tutorials/

I know it’s frustrating to have to do some things ourselves, but in reality, a plugin author cannot know all possible conflicts with the tens of thousands of other plugins and themes out there for WordPress. Ahmed has been doing as good a job as he possibly can to help with these, as well as attempt to give customers the enhancements they would like to see when using UserPro.

I will also add my support to the inclusion of a Forum section which provides an opportunity for people to see and comment on “Known Conflicts”. And when someone finds a solution to those conflicts, move those topics to the link provided above. That, I think is a good idea. It might help people to know at least for the time being what conflicts there are and help Ahmed to be able to work on those conflicts as time allows.

How does that sound? 🙂

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15864 <![CDATA[Reply To: Login Does NOT Work with Cloudflare or cache?]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/login-does-not-work-with-cloudflare-or-cache/#post-15864 Sat, 04 Jan 2014 09:07:34 +0000 pbg2013 Yes, I think a section for Known Conflicts & Possible solutions pinned to Forum will be most helpful. As a newcomer, I read the Tutorials section as just a section for what Userpro does and how to implement/integrate those things. Not tutorials on conflicts. Since you are on this board so often you would have come across all known conflicts and all possible solutions so to have it pinned to the board will make alot quicker search.

Another thing I think that needs to be pinned to the top is the link to download upgraded version http://userproplugin.com/userpro/customer_portal/ with instructions on how to upgrade via FTP. My web host cpanel doesn’t allow for moving of folders, only uploading zip file and unzipping it. But uploading and Unzipping the file to /plugins creates a new folder Userpro/userpro/….. Uploading to userpro folder and unzipping creates /plugins/userpro/userpro/userpro/……then files
^original ^unzipped folder

Don’t even know what I did but I managed to do it. I did try the plugin you recommended theme and plugin upgrades plugin but that didn’t work and when I saw someone else struggling I knew it wasn’t just me. SO…. HOW TO UPGRADE PLUGIN VIA FTP pinned to the top of forum will be helpful.

