I found the use of allowed_taxonomies=”category,post_format” to display post formats on the user upload form. For some reason, the only choices shown for me are aside, image, and quote, even though from the posting backside I have many more choices. Any idea what is causing the limited display?
One more thing, I see there are user requests to be able to have a category dropdown separate from the post format dropdown, which makes sense to not confuse users. Any updates on the possibility that will come to be? I have actually seen it done quite well with the N-Media post-front plugin, but who wouldn’t want the complete package that userpro offers?
Thank you! – RTM
Forgive me, it looks like I submitted this in the wrong group. I will add this to the UserPro Support forum. However, I am unsure how to delete this post?
Well, no luck! I have attempted to repost this in the Userpro Support forums, but I received error as duplicate topic. I would appreciate any help from admins to help move this. Thank you kindly!
You are using frontend publisher . Can you please share the URL of your site where you are using this – allowed_taxonomies=”category,post_format” .
Also please let me know exactly what shortcode are you using as whole ? And please explain exactly what you are trying to do ?
Post format option is not availabe as yet ,but post type is available – You can check all the available possibilities here – http://userproplugin.com/userpro/docs/#shortcode_publish
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