What shortcode do I use to display the latest verified members?
Thanks, but I you gave the shortcode for members’ directory…I just need a shortcode for the newest verified members that signed up that’s displayed horizontally. Is this possible??
screenshot of what I’m talking about
Producist, isn’t the shortcode right below that example on the home page? Try [userpro template=list list_per_page=3]
Hi guys,
Do you know if it’s possible to show only UNverified members only?
I tried that shortcode but it’s only listing all members even the verified ones :
[userpro template=memberlist memberlist_verified=0]Thanks in advance!
Try this:
[userpro template=list list_per_page=3 list_verified=1]
kreacom, no there’s no such shortcode option to show unverified users only.
Ok thanks Ahmed!
Because what I’m trying to achieve is to display a list with…
At the top : verified members
In the middle : users that has a selected a specific custom field
At the bottom : normal users that are not verified and that has not selected a specific custom fieldAll that in a single row of shortcode.
Because I tried with a row of shortcode for each member category but I have 3 times the pagination…
Thanks to let me know if there is a way to do that!
I’ll try to implement the option of using verified=0 to show unverified users in next update. thanks 🙂
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