i buy this Plugin and have some Problems.
I try on the First Site, but the Posts don’t open the Article, when you click on it. And they are a lot Spaces on Mac and iPad View ? Last Point is, that it need a lot Time to load it.
Second Question, there is a possibility to set Posts from this Date to this Date? I want use this Plugin for the Gadgets Gallery that i linked above. And for a Post every Week, so it must be fixed, otherwise the Article change when there is published a new Post in the same category.
Thanks for help and answer
Hi Jan,
Apologies for the delay.
1. Posts don’t open the Article – This could be due to other plugins/theme conflict. Please check once by disabling all other plugins on your site and also by switching the theme to any default WordPress theme.
2. GridFX has a feature to Sort the posts by Date but there is no such feature to set the Date range.
Ok i will check.
You will ad this important Feature in next Updates?There is a other possibility to set only some articles? So they don’t change more. With ID or something?
We have found the Problem, now it works.
It is possible to show only 30 and more to load?
You will ad this Feature in next Updates?( Set Date Range) There is a other possibility to set only some articles? So they don’t change more. With Post ID or something?
Great – I am Glad to know it is working fine now. Thanks for letting me know 🙂
Yes, It is possible to initially show 30 posts and then more to load.
There is setting in backend – please go to GridFX setting -> Loop and Pagination – There you will find the “Posts per Page”. Please specify the Number there that you want to show initially.
Alternatively – please include this field in the shortcode that you have tried – * posts_per_page=”30″ *
Regarding Set Date Range – Looks like an interesting Idea. I have added this to our wish-list. I will check this with my team and see if there is any way to do this. Thank you very much 🙂
[gridfx theme=”light” include_terms=14 sortmenu=0 instantsearch=0 columns=4 posts_per_page=”30″ excerpt_below_title=0 global_image_action=”post_url” link_to_post=”4″ tags_filter=”null” posts_per_page=”0″ include_terms=”15,14,13,662″ instantsearch=”0″ load_more=”0″ single_show_views=”0″ single_image_action=”post_url” transparent=”1″]
Hey, i use your Shortcode but they Show all, not 30, why?
It seems that you have included “posts_per_page” term two times in the shortcode.
1. posts_per_page=”30″
2. posts_per_page=”0″Please remove * posts_per_page=”0″ * from the shortcode and try again. Let me know If this solves the issue.
Oh so sorry you are right. No wit works. But i have to do something? Because they don’t show the Load Button. I can set other navigation and works. But the normal Load Button without more pages don’t show?
[gridfx theme=”light” include_terms=14 sortmenu=0 instantsearch=0 columns=4 posts_per_page=”32″ excerpt_below_title=0 global_image_action=”post_url” link_to_post=”4″ tags_filter=”null” include_terms=”15,14,13,662″ instantsearch=”0″ load_more=”0″ single_show_views=”0″ single_image_action=”post_url” transparent=”1″]
Hi, Great – I am glad to hear it is working fine now- Thanks for letting me know.
About Date Range – I have added this as a feature request 🙂Would appreciate it if you could take a minute to support our plugin by sharing your feedback here –
http://codecanyon.net/item/grid-fx-ultimate-grid-plugin-for-wordpress/reviews/5615317Please remember to log into CodeCanyon before clicking this link to submit a review.
But one question more
I know to set dat range is not possible
But there is a possibility to say – in this grid only this 10 posts i need as example.??
Hi Jan, didn’t quite get the issue. can you please elaborate ? Do you want to show only 10 posts in a Grid ?
Hey again,
you told me that set a date range it not possible at this time.
Example – i have from monday to sunday 18 posts.
I want to show on a post on sunday all this posts from this week, there is a other possibility to do this without date range? And this every sunday.
Thanks for answer
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