EMD,Member List and other questions – UserPro Forums https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/feed/ Mon, 29 Apr 2024 06:23:34 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.2 en-US https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16196 <![CDATA[EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16196 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 08:04:02 +0000 Shiela Kumar Firstly i want to say thank you for your continuous support, I have learnt a lot by reading the forum topics. I also want to say that this is an amazing plugin and you are amazing too!

Here are a few things i want to ask.

[userpro template=emd emd_fields='election_constituency,role,gender' emd_election_constituency='Search by Constituency' emd_display_name='Search by Name']
1. emd_fields=role – It is returning $role instead of $display_name. Like instead of ‘Role: Book Author’, it is showing ‘Role: book_author’
2. How do I search by name? If I have 2 members named ‘shiela’ and ‘Shiela K’ emd_display_name says no users matching your criteria if i search for ‘shiela’
3. Is there a clear search option for emd?
4. Is there an option to filter/show profiles by role?

Frontend publisher
I want to remove post type ‘page’ from the dropdown

Recent Activity
Can I show recent activity by role or a custom field?

Is is possible to dynamically populate dropdowns. I have a text field that says ‘Constituency’ and there are hundreds of constituencies in my country, so can I dynamically populate a dropdown of all the constituencies entered by users instead of manually making a dropdown myself, like it happens with WP categories?

my tooltips are above the question mark icons and hence flash on hover

Member List
[userpro template=memberlist search_country="Country,dropdown" search_election_constituency="Enter a Constituency" search_gender="Gender,dropdown" role=political_leader memberlist_v2_fields=age,gender,election_constituency memberlist_v2_bio=0]
On search I enter name,constituency,gender and it should return 1 member matching all criteria however, it repeats the same profile 3721 times
P.S. the same thing happens on this site too – http://userproplugin.com/userpro/members/?searchuser=kurnik&emd-from_age=&emd-to_age=&emd-gender=Male&emd-country=all
I hope I am clear in my questions and again, THANK YOU for this wonderful plugin.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16303 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16303 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 20:55:26 +0000 Shiela Kumar bumping for a reply..

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16305 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16305 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:00:07 +0000 admin Let’s check the important bug first. I have fixed the search in member list returning invalid / duplicate profiles, can you please check if that’s fixed in here? Should be released in v1.0.53 as fix


The tooltipsy were fixed in most recent updates. Which version are you using please? If you still have an issue, it could be due to your theme but it works fine (after the update without this gap) please write your version #

Recent activity – refering to public activity?


https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16312 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16312 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:35:59 +0000 Shiela Kumar I am using v1.0.52.
Great! Search is fixed now, however, clear search button doesn’t work. http://userproplugin.com/userpro/members/?searchuser=&emd-from_age=19&emd-to_age=40&emd-gender=Male&emd-country=United+Kingdom

Yes by Recent Activity I meant all activity using [userpro template=activity activity_all=1]. I tried role=custom_role, that didn’t work.

I will check the new version and test tooltips. Request you to reply on the rest of the things please. Thank You.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16313 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16313 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:39:36 +0000 admin I am just trying to reply part by part to make things simple. New version is not ready yet, I will post here when you can test new version search. I am now fixing the clear search issue.

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16314 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16314 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:42:29 +0000 admin Fixed clear search (test) 🙂

What is next? 🙂

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16316 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16316 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:48:08 +0000 Shiela Kumar You are FAST and the BEST!
lets start with EMD..

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16317 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16317 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 21:49:44 +0000 admin Okay, EMD: What is your main issue with EMD? You can’t search by name or role?

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16321 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16321 Mon, 06 Jan 2014 22:04:11 +0000 Shiela Kumar Yes, how do I search by name. If I search for mike, it should return ‘mike’ and ‘Mike Smith’


1. I have emd_fields=role in my shortcode – It is returning $role instead of $display_name. Like instead of ‘Role: Book Author’, it is showing ‘Role: book_author’
2. Is there a clear search option for emd?
3. Is there an option to filter/show profiles by role?

https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16366 <![CDATA[Reply To: EMD,Member List and other questions]]> https://forum.userproplugin.com/forums/topic/emdmember-list-and-other-questions/#post-16366 Tue, 07 Jan 2014 01:54:12 +0000 Shiela Kumar Hello, were tooltips fixed in v1.0.53? If yes, then they aren’t fixed.

Any word on other requests
