Hi, I’ve recently brought your plugin (and the rating plugin)
I’m currently in the process of setting it all up and I’ve hit a snag.
When I try to set up an account, I’m getting a “Error in jQuery.ajax while submitting a form:Not Found”
So I had a scout around trying to see if I’d maybe missed a setting. Along the way, I found that the Check / Rebuild Profile Pages section has “Broken page. Please rebuild plugin pages.” on all of the pages.
When I click the “Rebuild ProUser Pages” button, it does nothing.
Also, I see a few other people have already mentioned the “You are running an older version of UserPro. The latest version is 2.24 Check for new version” message, with you giving a “fix” for it. Unfortunately, the fix doesn’t work and the message still shows.
How do I fix these issues please?
Thanks in advance 🙂
I noticed the problem with the broken pages too. I found out that if you create a page manually and put the shortcode in there, it would do that for me.
When you try to recreate the pages, you want to delete the old ones first, and then in trash, remove them from there too as they still make a problem there. WordPress automatically adds numbers to the end of the permalinks when pages already exists with the same name. For example, you have the userpro page called :’…/login/’ and you delete this page without removing it from the trash, and recreate pages, a new one will be made with the name ‘…/login-1/’.
Userpro needs the right permalink to be just ‘…/login/’.
Hope that helps 🙂Hi,
Thanks. I’d already figured it out however.
My biggest concern is that nobody can register, login, edit profile, submit post or anything else the plugin is supposed to do without getting the error of “Error in jQuery.ajax while submitting a form:Not Found”
@ LFC_Bible – for the login/ registration issue, can you please try this solution if this works for you –
1) Goto userpro/scripts/scripts.min.js.
2) Find line no.1200 which says “data: form.serialize() + “&action=userpro_process_form&template=”+form_data[‘template’]+”&group=”+form_data[ form_data[‘template’] + ‘_group’ ]+”&shortcode=”+shortcode+’&up_username=’+up_username,”and replace the entire line with
data: form.serialize() + “&action=userpro_process_form&template=”+form_data[‘template’]+”&group=”+form_data[ form_data[‘template’] + ‘_group’ ]+”&shortcode=”+encodeURIComponent(shortcode)+’&up_username=’+up_username,
If still the issue persists – please send your website details via – http://codecanyon.net/user/DeluxeThemes#contact
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