You may have noticed the new icons alongside each user reply which gives quick access to user social profiles. This is done by ‘one-line’ using a new API function I introduced in userpro API. This feature/integration is available in next update.
The bbpress template that you need to edit is: loop-single-reply.php
Here is the line that I added to make the social bar work.
PHP1<?php echo $userpro->show_social_bar_clean( bbp_get_reply_author_id() , 'userpro-centered-icons' ); ?>The first option is the user ID (reply author), and the second is a common wrap for social bar (allowing you to customize the element wrapping the icons). Voila! 😀 any social profiles that user didn’t CHOOSE to hide will appear.
I hope you like the new icons especially it helps in faster communication in this generous support forum,
want to take this chance and thank all people who have been helping others here. It really makes developing new stuff easier, and I hope to surprise you soon 🙂
This really helps my support staff to handle faster communication, thanks for this feature.
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