I have decided to uninstall and delete UserPro since everything has gone to s**t.Even after deleting it, it gives me problem with the tables/data left over at my database.
Even now it causes incompatibility issues with other user plug-ins.
Can anybody here help me with how to complete erase this plug in from my db?
thanks a lot
I haven’t delete yet but will do so if better alternative found. Did you delete the plugin through wordpress control panel or you delete the folder and files from ftp?
I deleted it through wordpress control.
All files are gone, but a lot of sh*t is left on my database 🙁As far as for alternatives, I am currently going for BuddyPress and a few addons for it.
We won’t get all UserPro features but at least we’ll have something stable.
Can you imagine all the new bugs that will appear once WordPress 4 is out (soon)? Who is gonna deal with those… the non-existent and incompetent new “support” team? :/
wow, your concern is very valid. Will have to find alternative fast.
I used bbpress and thinking it could replace mybb, but it just got too many limitation that I decided to not using. Luckily was just test it on small group.
Hence, not really have confident in buddypress due to experience with bbpress. But maybe I’m wrong about it.
Will look for wordpress plugin cleanup tool and notify you if got any finding
thanks, will read through 😉
meanwhile I am testing https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpdbspringclean/ on my local dev…
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