Hi Ahmed,
I need to add LinkedIn Profile URL field for the users to have the option to fill with the rest of the social profiles. You have twitter, facebook, google+ and website URL currently. How can I include LinkedIn and have it linkable directly to the linkedin profile?
Did you find a solution to your question?
Struggling with the same…@Sabrine Assem @Stijn Wijndaele ,
I think you are’nt using the latest Version 2.2 , however the intergration with the linkedin was out in the
Version 2.0 (27 Aug 2014)
– New feature: Integrated with LinkedIn for Social ConnectPlease upgrade the version and let me know if you are facing any problem.
I think Sabrine (but definitely me) is referring to social profiles and not social connect.
So we have email,twitter,facebook g+ but not linkedin under social profiles… which is kinda surprising.
And on side note , I am running the latest version 2.2.Thanks for feedback so far!
@Stijn Wijndaele and @Sabrine Assem ,
Apologies . For not sending you the relevent answer in the previous reply.
Anyhow you are right with the linked in profile thing which is not available .
I have added it in our wish-list which could be added up in our future updates.
Thank you so much fo letting us know this 🙂Has this been added as it is something we really need desperately
Hello @Menz ,
As of now we do not have the linkedin profile link while in registration form ,the requirement have been added to our wish-list .A remainder of this need is already sent to the developers.
Thank you!i will add my voice for this too 😉 it will be really Great
Hello @Amartist ,
All your voiced is being heard lets just hope for the best ! 🙂 .
As said before , I have made sure that its being noticed by the developers through the wish list.
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